Philippians - This is Living | Philippians 3:1-14, This is Garbage | June 16, 2024


Sermon Description:
Author David Foster Wallace once spoke about the gnawing sense that we live in a rat race searching for something that will give us meaning.  And in the Bay Area, the answer to the question, “What do I need to feel okay about myself and life” is frequently answered with “achievement.”  Although this might have looked different 2000 years ago, the Apostle Paul also understood this drive to “be” and “become” and “do more.”  And in Philippians 3, Paul warns us that this “drive to achieve” can derail our lives.  Paul urges us to not seek after ultimate fulfillment in anything other than deep, personal connection with God Himself.  Paul states that God is so good, and knowing Him personally is more valuable than anything.  And we don’t have to try to impress God or earn our way to Him - we just need to humbly come to Him.

Mark Averill (Saratoga)

Bible Passage(s): 
Philippians 3:1-14


THE AFTERWORD: Philippians - Week 6 - Cussing Pastors, Ambition and Male Friendships


THE AFTERWORD: Philippians - Week 5 - Work Out Your Salvation