THE AFTERWORD: Philippians - Week 5 - Work Out Your Salvation

Title: THE AFTERWORD | Philippians - Week 5 - Work Out Your Salvation

Janet Jackson once famously asked “what have you done for me lately?”  And although the sentiment behind this sentence is vastly different, the Apostle Paul also employs this line of questioning to the Church of Philippi, encouraging them to truly examine - really meditate on - all that God has done for them.  But, Paul says, that activity shouldn’t be a mere mental exercise.  It should change us.  Or at least, make us want to change. South Hills Campus Pastor Archie Jackson stops by to talk about Paul’s famous exhortation to “work out your salvation with fear and trembling.”  We dive into what it means, what it most definitely DOES NOT mean, and why the stakes are too high for Christians to refuse to partner with God to be transformed.  

David Tieche + Archie Jackson



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