THE AFTERWORD: Philippians - Week 6 - Cussing Pastors, Ambition and Male Friendships

Title: THE AFTERWORD | Philippians - Week 6 - Cussing Pastors, Ambition, and Male Friendships

In the book of Philippians, Paul uses a *very* strong word to make a dramatic theological point.  In fact, many scholars think it was a vulgar word that meant “poop” or “filth.”  Does that mean that we should act like immature junior high boys?  Absolutely!  Mark Averill stops by to talk with Dave about Paul’s dramatic language, why he chooses that word, and the broader point Paul is trying to make.  We also talk about how to know if you’ve made achievement an idol, what the warning signs are, and why friends are so important (especially for guys).  

David Tieche + Mark Averill



THE AFTERWORD: Philippians - Week 7 - What does “enemies of the cross” mean?


Philippians - This is Living | Philippians 3:1-14, This is Garbage | June 16, 2024