We want to be people who are generous.
At WestGate Church, we trust Jesus when He says that it’s better to give than to receive. Through our gifts, we hope to impact our city and our world.

with god for the good of all.
Join us as we prayerfully commit to loving our neighbors by creating spaces for community and sharing the love of Jesus.

Check out our year-end review to see what God has done in and through our church this past yeAR.
other ways to give:
WestGate Church now has an easy, fast and reliable method to receive "non-cash assets" such as Stock. Giving in this manner can be incredibly helpful for the church but also for the giver as well.
When donors give appreciated stock, the shares are transferred from the donors’ brokerage account directly to the nonprofit’s brokerage account. If the receiving organization is a qualified non-profit and the donor has held the stock for more than one year, the donor does not have to pay tax on the capital gain. In addition, the full value (or fair market value) of the donated stock is the amount of the charitable donation donors can claim on their individual income tax return.
Click the button below to donate your non-cash assets.
Corporate Matching
Corporate matching programs are a great way to maximize your donations. Many of the biggest employers in Silicon Valley already have WestGate as an eligible organization. We can encourage you to seek out more information from your employer. If WestGate is not certified with your company's program, you can help jump-start that process by connecting your employer representative with our Finance Department.

Why We Give
Jesus put the life giving, death saving work of God in the hands of his Church.
“I am not commanding you to do this... But you know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, so that by His poverty He could make you rich.”
At WestGate Church we understand we have been given much and the world is in dire need. That’s why we Love Jesus and Live Jesus! Which simply means we’ll be generous with what we have and allow what we offer to impact the world around us...
We have so much to give. Between our time, our abilities and our resources we can deeply impact the city and bring hope to the world. If you’re exploring faith and new to this journey, start by taking a first step. If you’re settling on the path, consider expanding your offer. If you’re a regular part of WestGate express your generosity by giving consistently and if you’re growing, experience the joy of above and beyond giving with a LOUD pledge by giving to needs WestGate supports outside our walls.