Where moms of young children come together in community to have fun and encourage one another.

MOMco runs from
September - May!

Meeting at our Saratoga campus ON Wednesday nights

Meeting at our South Hills campus on Thursday mornings

Click below for more information about each campus.

The theme this year is Wild Hope:
Moms are notoriously brilliant at caring for others, but when we get tapped out, we often try to dig our own wells instead of drinking from the stream God has provided. But this is going to be a year where we practice receiving. It means drinking from the stream in the desert, eating the manna provided, accepting help when needed, saying yes to Jesus' sacrifice for us, and trusting in God's power. This is the year of letting go of the belief that we must manage every detail and over-analyze every decision. Instead, we will be open to trusting that God will provide at the moment we most need it.

Spring 2025 Meeting Dates
Wednesday Nights

January 15 & 29
February 12 & 26
March 12 & 26
April 23
May 7

South Hills
Spring 2025 Meeting Dates
Thursday Mornings

January 16
February 6 & 20
March 6 & 20
April 3
May 1 & 15