THE AFTERWORD: Philippians - Week 7 - What does “enemies of the cross” mean?

Title: THE AFTERWORD | Philippians - Week 7 - What does “enemies of the cross” mean?

It’s a pretty common rhetorical tactic these days - you can win an argument if you say that the other person is either 1. Just like Hitler or 2. Just like the anti-Christ.  But in Philippians 3, Paul actually says that it’s possible to live as an enemy of the Cross of Christ.  This is a serious charge.  But what does it mean?  Does it mean you don’t believe the right things?  Or say the right things?  Or is it deeper (and less simple) than that?  Jay Kim stops by to chat about this vexing phrase - and in end we find out that the decision to live as an enemy of the Cross isn’t just something that’s a choice for some people, but ALL of us.

David Tieche + Jay Kim



Philippians - This is Living | Philippians 3:15-21, Enemies of the Cross | June 23, 2024


THE AFTERWORD: Philippians - Week 6 - Cussing Pastors, Ambition and Male Friendships