Philippians - This is Living | Philippians 2:12-18, Stars in the Sky | June 09, 2024


Sermon Description:
Midway through his letter, Paul encourages the young church family of believers at Philippi to “work out their salvation with fear and trembling.” This term “work out” can make us nervous. Is our salvation dependent upon how good of “work” we do? Because if so, uh oh! But Paul makes it clear that it’s God who does the work in us, through us and for us. Paul isn’t talking about working for or earning individual salvation. Paul is talking about how our already-saved-lives ought to work out in the real world, in our relationships with one another, so that an unbelieving world might see our otherworldly relationships of humility and sacrifice like light illuminating the darkness and be captivated. This isn’t easy - and does absolutely require passion, effort and focus on our parts, but it means that we get to participate with God to bring light to a dark world.

Jay Kim (Saratoga)

Bible Passage(s): 
Philippians 2:12-18


THE AFTERWORD: Philippians - Week 5 - Work Out Your Salvation


THE AFTERWORD: Philippians - Week 4 - Humility