Divinely Dysfunctional — Week 5: Mary
Mary is given a child to raise that will cause her great joy and great pain. We see through her that God’s favor and blessing often takes us to places we would never choose. There is nothing flashy about Mary, yet her faith is demonstrated by obedience.
Divinely Dysfunctional — Week 4: Bathsheba
The darkest and most tragic moment in King David’s life which brings about more heartache than he could have ever imagined was 2 Samuel 11 and Bathsheba. Yet there she is right up to the end of his life and right there in the genealogy of Jesus!
Divinely Dysfunctional — Week 3: Ruth
Through the story of Ruth we’ll see God’s loyalty to her revealed and what that says to us today about His faithfulness to redeem.
Divinely Dysfunctional — Week 2: Rahab
We’ll look at another of the women who are mentioned in Jesus’ lineage, Rahab, and see what her story can help us to see about our own story of God’s love, faithfulness and redemption.
Divinely Dysfunctional — Week 1: Tamar
Why is Genesis 38 and the story of Tamar in the bible? Through this story we can learn much about God’s redemptive plan for us individually and for all of humanity.