THE APOSTLES’ CREED: Timeless Truth for a Chaotic World | God the Father Almighty | July 14, 2024


Sermon Description:

In the second line of the Apostle’s Creed, it says “I believe in God the Father Almighty.”  In the Scriptures, it’s clear that God not only has a deep, loving, tender Father’s heart, but *wants* to be known to us as Father.  But for many people, bad examples from our earthly Fathers can distort our view of God Himself, forming an emotional blockade to the kind of relational connectedness we’re invited into.  But the Biblical story gives us example after example after example showing us that God is, indeed, a faithful and loving Father.  And remembering that, and focusing on God’s faithfulness, not just historically but personally, can heal us.  


Christina Papoulias (Saratoga), David Tieche (South Hills)


THE AFTERWORD: The Apostle’s Creed - Week 2 - God the Father


THE APOSTLES’ CREED: Timeless Truth for a Chaotic World | Introduction + I Believe | July 07, 2024