THE AFTERWORD: The Apostle’s Creed - Week 2 - God the Father


The second line of the Apostle’s Creed states (beautifully) that God is both powerful and a father.  But what if your experience with both “father” has been anything but good?  And what you’ve seen power abused, in tragic ways that have brought real suffering?  Christina Papoulias stops by to talk about how toxic environments can warp our view of God Himself, and that can impact our ability to connect with God.  We also talk about how the words of the second member of the Trinity - Jesus, the Son - as He describes what His father is actually like, can heal us. 

Speakers: David Tieche + Christina Papoulias



THE APOSTLES’ CREED: Timeless Truth for a Chaotic World | Jesus, Our Lord | July 21, 2024


THE APOSTLES’ CREED: Timeless Truth for a Chaotic World | God the Father Almighty | July 14, 2024