Philippians - This Is Living | Philippians 1:27-30, Citizens of Gospel of the King


Sermon Description:

When Paul was writing the letter to the church at Philippi, a man named Nero was Caesar. Nero’s favorite titles were “Lord” and “Savior” and his demands of allegiance were total. To declare any other emperor (or king) as lord or savior was dangerous. But that’s exactly what Paul goes all around the empire doing. And Paul’s message to the Philippians is clear: living as citizens of God’s kingdom means declaring an alternative Gospel. This is a message with real edges. It means that in the midst of a false empire, Christians are called to declare the true kingdom. And in the midst of a false emperor, Christians are called to follow a true King. And as citizens of a different kingdom in the midst of this world’s kingdoms, Christians are called to live differently.

Jay Kim (Saratoga)

Bible Passage(s): 
Philippians 1:27-30


THE AFTERWORD: Philippians - Week 3


THE AFTERWORD: Philippians - Week 2