THE AFTERWORD: Philippians - Week 3

Title: THE AFTERWORD | Philippians - Week 3


As children of the 80s, things have changed *quite a bit* in the realm of civic politics for David and Jay. We chat about how changes in technology have shifted the way that people engage with politics - and how that’s not always for the better. We talk about what it means to follow Paul’s instructions in Philippians 1 to “live as citizens of the gospel of King Jesus.” And finally, we discuss author Kaitlyn Schiess’s book “A Liturgy of Politics” which says that the modern political/news machine sends a number of messages to us, including:

  • The Prosperity Gospel (money is what’s really most important)

  • The Patriotic Gospel (requires uncritical allegiance to one party - or one country)

  • The Security Gospel (candidate so-and-so will keep you safe from harm)

And then we talk about how the Gospel of Jesus confronts each of these, and often, upends them.

Speakers: David Tieche + Jay Kim



Philippians - This is Living | Philippians 2:1-11, Descend to Ascend | June 02, 2024


Philippians - This Is Living | Philippians 1:27-30, Citizens of Gospel of the King