Matthew : Season 5 - Week 5


Sermon Description:

In Matthew 8, Jesus and His disciples are crossing the Sea of Galilee when a giant storm erupts on the lake.  His followers, many of whom were fisherman in that region, are more than worried: they’re terrified of the strength of the storm.  What makes matters worse is that Jesus is literally asleep in the boat while all this is happening.  This only adds to the angst and fear of the disciples.  Does Jesus not see the storm?  Does He not realize how bad it is?  Does He not care?  But as we examine this story, and Jesus’ response to His disciples, we see there’s a lesson for all of us.  When storms come (and they will come) fear can overpower us, making it impossible to see anything but the ferocity of the storm.  But Jesus wants us to focus, instead, on the fact that God Himself is in the boat with us.  And that He can quell any storm.  


Lisa Averill (Saratoga), Corinna Girard (South Hills)


THE AFTERWORD | Matthew : Season 5 - Week5


THE AFTERWORD | Matthew : Season 5 - Week 4