THE AFTERWORD | Matthew : Season 5 - Week 4

Sometimes, in the Bible, we encounter passages that - on their face - seem to make Jesus look like a giant jerk.  One example is in Matthew 8, where a man says he wants to follow Jesus, but requests to first bury his father.  Jesus says no, and tells the man to let “the dead bury the dead.”  What the heck, Jesus?  Compassion much?  As always, there’s more going on in the story - and this is a textbook example of delayed obedience.  Jay and I talk about how clever we can get with our excuses.  Also a loyal listener writes in a question about how to deal with a problem that nobody seems to want to admit is a problem.  And Jay plays a fun audio game where he tries to guess songs about “space and time.”

Speakers: David Tieche + Jay Kim


Matthew : Season 5 - Week 5


Matthew : Season 5 - Week 4