Hunger and Thirst | How We Pray (The Lord’s Prayer) | March 16, 2025


Sermon Description:

In the Gospel of Luke, the disciples ask Jesus directly to teach them how to pray.  Jesus gladly obliges this request and responds with a prayer called the Lord’s Prayer which Christians have been using ever since.  As we go through this prayer of Jesus, we find profound truths embedded in this simple pray: a call to real relationship with God, an invitation to profess our need vulnerably, and a sobering reminder that if we don’t follow God closely, it can lead us to ruin.


David Kim (Saratoga), David Tieche (South Hills)

Bible Passage(s): 

Luke 11:1, Matthew 6:9-13


Hunger and Thirst | A House of (Intercessory) Prayer | March 23, 2025


Hunger and Thirst | Pray Continually | March 09 2025