Love, Love, Love and Becoming More — Week 11: Coming Home
We want the people of WestGate to feel like this is their home. Home is about relationships and working side by side. Life is hard, we need each other. We need to do life together.
Love, Love, Love and Becoming More — Week 10: Getting Beyond Our Excuses
What a day! We’ll look at the day that Jesus fed the five thousand with a young boy’s lunch and ask the question, “When was the last time you were totally over your head for the cause of Jesus?”
Love, Love, Love and Becoming More — Week 9: Why Serve?
The collective good if we could all decide to live “others centered” is a force so powerful that if we could see it and trust it, our hearts would sing for joy in the opportunities that God has given us. Rise up! Enter into the journey and adventure of living the life of Jesus.
Love, Love, Love and Becoming More — Week 8: Priesthood of All Believers
Scripture says that we are a royal priesthood. But what does that really mean? What does it say about how and why we serve?
Love, Love, Love and Becoming More — Week 7: Flying Into Turbulence
Our culture has a lot to say about God and Christians but what is our message? Does it strike us as genuinely good news that we are creations of a loving God who wants us to thrive, not random byproducts of a meaningless universe. The story of Jesus has this main theme: God God so loved the world that He gave...
Love, Love, Love and Becoming More — Week 5: Bread or Bricks
The closing portion of the Lord’s Prayer - Give us daily bread. Forgive us as we forgive. Lead us and deliver us. - is often thought of as three or four independent ideas. But in this teaching we discover that these words are all leading us to one crucial question: Do we actually want the good things God wants to give us?
Love, Love, Love and Becoming More — Week 3: Adore
In this teaching we explore the opening lines of the Lord's Prayer. Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. When we pray, we pray to a God who is holy and set apart and yet loves us intimately as a Dad loves his kids.
Love, Love, Love and Becoming More — Week 2: Gaining An Awareness of Teens
Every young person is just one caring adult away from a meaningful and significant life. Josh Shipp and Steve will talk about the adults who help shape them at a critical time in their lives when it mattered most.
Love, Love, Love and Becoming More — Week 1: What We Can't Afford to Let Fall
What could this next generation be? What could this next generation do? How do we help get them there? Ryan plans on highlighting the need to care for the “next generation”, showing that if care is not taken, great consequences have happened in bible. He is also going to walk thru several MAIN stories of the bible that have been led by TEENS.