Dear westgate church,
As the New Year approaches, I’d like to invite you to reflect on some of the incredible work God has done in and through our church this past year and consider giving a year-end gift so that more men, women, and children might learn and live the way of Jesus together, being formed into Christlikeness, for God's glory and for the good of the world.
I am so grateful for your partnership and faithfulness. Many of you have contributed your time, energy, and resources to help our church family play our part in God’s big unfolding story, both here at home and abroad. Because of your participation and God's grace, in 2024:
We launched Here to Stay and saw overall giving more than double across all congregations
We gave away more money outside our walls toward local and global compassion efforts than any previous year
We saw more people say to Jesus for the first time than any previous year
We saw more people recommit their lives to Jesus than any previous year
Our leadership team senses God's renewal in the here and now, and out on the horizon, in so many people's lives (including mine). As we say all the time, none of this is because of us. So we surrender it all into the Lord's hands. God controls outcomes. We're simply called to be faithful. And I am so immensely grateful for your faithfulness. Thank you.
Grace, Peace, Love,
Jay Kim
1.87 million people live in Santa Clara County
ONLY 8% identify as HAVING A Protestant or Evangelical FAITH
The Bay Area ranks 1st among all major US metro areas in the number of unchurched or de-churched residents

from death to life
accepted christ for the first time
recommitted their lives to christ
made the decision to be baptized
from attending to belonging
life groups
1,293 people involved in life groups this yeaR
summer meetups
1,099 people participated in summer meetups
11 midsized groups
Women, Men, Young Professionals, College-Age Adults, Singles, Mom Co, Parents of Teenagers, Young Families, MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS, Creative Collective

from believing to following
became members of our church family
attended start here
attended alpha
155 people who attended our annual FORMATION Conference
191 people who attended our two financial Wisdom lectures
87 people who attended the ALpha marriage course
300 people who attended our Hearing God and being heard Lecture
651 people who attended our practicing the way lecture
726 people who attended our five bible lectures
3,591 people at all CONGREGATIONS
Christmas Eve 2024
3,528 people at all cONGREGATIOns
This matters to us because people find us. The vast majority of people who come to attend WestGate say that they found us online first. This ‘digital front door’ is a key way to introduce ourselves to people.
129,000 total visits to our website this year
85,000 total unique visitors to our website this year
101,487 total views on our YouTube channel
4,488 followers on Instagram pages
garden city church in San Jose, CA
bay area church planting network (SUPporting dozens of church plants)
beloved church in irvine, CA
support and care
17 engaged couples who received pre-marital counseling and mentoring
42 people who participate weekly in support small groups for addiction, grief and trauma
18 mentors trained this year
24 people who have gone through WestGate Church’s mentorship program
$37,608 given in benevolence assistance to individuals and families for immediate housing and food relief
Next Generation
Nursery - 5th Grade
249 kids served weekly (saratoga)
222 kids who attended summer camp (saratoga)
81 kids served weekly
(south hills + Casa de fe)
106 kids who attended summer camp (south hills + Casa de fe)
Middle School - High School
101 students served weekly (ALL CONGREGATIONS)
50 students who attended summer camp (saratoga)
74 students meeting for mid-week life groups
(all congregations)
Over the past year, students from Westgate Church began taking on leadership roles at Christian Clubs at Leland, Leigh and Branham High Schools.
During the year, students from these high schools gathered every few weeks to pray together and plan outreaches for their classmates and friends.
This past Fall, during these outreach events, more than 280 students came to the events, and 22 students gave their lives to Jesus and 29 recommitted their lives to Jesus.
We’re so grateful for the work God is doing in our students in their high schools.
280 students came to outreach events
22 students gave their lives to jesus
29 students recommitted their lives to jesus
local and global compassion
Local Compassion
16 Beautiful Day Projects in 2023
1813 Beautiful Day Volunteers
7200 hours volunteers spent serving during Beautiful Day
7 schools served by school impact
490 teachers and admin served by school impact
30 adult students who are part of an esl program
83,720 lbs of food given to families in need
$145,013 worth of food given to families in need
100 households (357 people) supported through the food pantry
global Compassion
$75,000 given for humanitarian aid (Emergency food + shelter for Internal Displacement Campus in DRC, mobile medical vans in India, relief for refugees in Lebanon)
$679,000 given for building + infrastructure development(homes for orphans in mexico, a surgery center in Haiti, boys dorm in niger, Addiction recovery center in laos)
52 wells dug providing clean water in jesus’ name
26,501 people who now have access to clean drinking water
21 global missionaries
13 local missionaries
20 ministry partner
NATIONS SERVED BY OUR MISSIONARIES AND MINISTRY PARTNERS: Afghanistan, bolivia, china, colombia, cuba, democratic republic of the Congo, dominican republic, mexico, egypt, ethiopia, haiti, india, indonesia, jordan, kenya, laos, lebanon, niger, peru, philippines, south africa, south sudan, thailand, uganda, uruguay, zimbabwe

by the numbers
total ministry fund for westgate church:
(Calendar Year 2024)
total given outside our walls in 2024:
thank you for making all of this possible with your generosity
Thank you for partnering with us in 2024
We continue to pray that God will use WestGate Church to impact even more people in 2025 for His kingdom. We invite you to partner with us by making an End-Of-Year donation that will go towards our WestGate ministries going forward.