The With-God Life -Week 2


Sermon Description:

In our modern world, we are conditioned to believe that the most important thing we can do - indeed the thing that we must do – is BE HEARD. That’s what will give our lives meaning. And as a result, many of our lives today involve so much talking and so little listening. Is it any wonder that we have difficulty listening to God? This week, examine what it’s like to be a people who WANT to hear from God, and not only when we think we need it or because it will solve a problem we’re interested in. Throughout the Scriptures, the phrase “listen and obey” is used of people whose desire is to live a life that’s pleasing to God. And conversely, we find that people who ignore God’s voice, find that it’s then harder and harder to hear.


Jay Kim (Saratoga), Steve Clifford (South Hills)

Bible Passages:

1 Samuel 3:1-10


THE AFTERWORD | The With-God Life - Week 2


THE AFTERWORD | The With-God Life - Week 1