The With-God Life -Week 1


Sermon Description:

We live in an age of hurry and distraction. There are, at any given moment, 100 things pinging and dinging and vying for our attention (mostly, things trying to get us to buy something). And we live in a time where there is a lot going on. Both hurry and distraction are great enemies to spiritual growth and connection with God. God is not in a hurry. And as we see from the earliest pages of the Bible, all the way through, God is inclined to speak to those who show themselves truly hungry to hear from Him. This week, we talk about some concrete, helpful ways to slow down and become more aware of God’s always-there-presence so that we can live a life WITH God.


Jay Kim (Saratoga), David Tieche (South Hills)

Bible Passages:

Genesis 3:8-9, Revelation 21:3 NIV


THE AFTERWORD | The With-God Life - Week 1


Beautiful Day Celebration 2023