THE AFTERWORD | The With-God Life - Week 5

Title: THE AFTERWORD | The With-God Life - Week 5


Many of us have had the experience of having a good friend, or a spouse, or a co-worker who just *gets* us. If we were to play Taboo!, we would slay. There’s even language for this: we say we are “on the same page” or are “in sync” or “on the same wavelength.” But what if we could do this with God Himself? Paul says, in 1 Corinthians 2 that we can have the same “mind as Christ.” But what does that look like? And how can we get there? Corinna Girard stops by to talk to Dave about that. Also, we talk about how Milli Vanilli ties into the spiritual discipline of Scripture reading.

Speakers: David Tieche + Corinna Girard



The With-God Life -Week 5


THE AFTERWORD | The With-God Life - Week 4