EAT THIS BOOK - February 2, 2025
Sermon Description:
In 1535, William Tyndale was burned at the stake at the order of the King of England for the grievous crime of translating the Bible into English, and then printing it and disseminating it. King Henry 8th was so furious, he burned 6,000 copies of the Bible. But today, we don’t burn the Bible. We just ignore it. In 2 Timothy 4, the Apostle Paul says what King Henry knew - that the Bible is dangerous because the Bible is no mere book. It’s the Word of God and it has the power to utterly transform us, in the process forging us into the likeness of Jesus in a world that desperately need it. The Bible really can do that. That is, if we let it.
David Tieche (Saratoga), video (South Hills)
Bible Passage(s):
2 Timothy 5