The Life We Want - Week 1


The Life We Want - Week 1

By one measure, the Silicon Valley is filled with success.  We have more than we’ve ever had. But we’re also working more than we’ve ever worked.  We believe the myth that we can achieve and accumulate our way to the lives we want, and then when we’re exhausted with that chasing, we run to our preferred habits (Netflix binges, weekend getaways, coffee crawls, yoga, et al), believing that the relief will lead us to the lives we want.  It doesn’t.  In this series, we examine the invitation of Jesus to follow Him and His promise that He will give us life, and life overflowing.  The way of Jesus, though, stands in stark relief to our cultural narratives, with Jesus inviting us to be people give, who serve, who commit to each other, and whose private and public lives are centered around living life with God.  And in inviting us down this road, Jesus is actually inviting us to the life we actually, truly, deep down not only need, but want.


Jay Kim (Saratoga), David Tieche (South Hills)


THE AFTERWORD | The Life We Want - Week 1


THE AFTERWORD | The Unseen - Week 4