The Greatest - Week 1


Sermon Description:

If you’ve been around WestGate Church for any amount of time at all, you’ve heard us talk about the three loves that are central to who we are as a church family (love God, love your neighbor, love one another). And the central goal of our community is to become disciples of Jesus as we learn and live the way of Jesus together. And, summarized in a word, the way of Jesus is LOVE. In 1 Corinthians, the Apostle Paul outlines and defines this word “love” anchoring it not in feelings, or popular conceptions which often change, but in the unchanging nature of God, who He is, and His unchanging posture toward us. And Paul is convinced, if we truly grasp this, it will change the way we live and move in this world.


Jay Kim (Saratoga), Steve Clifford (South Hills)

Bible Passages:

1 Cor 13


THE AFTERWORD | The Greatest - Week 1


THE AFTERWORD | Matthew : Season 7 - Week 6