RENEWAL IN THE (SILICON) VALLEY | Renewed by Love in an Age of Fear | September 15, 2024 


Sermon Description:

How much do you worry?  Are you pretty unfazed by life, or do you trend toward anxiety?  Is worry a sometimes annoyance, or a constant companion?  Jesus talks about worry plainly in the Sermon on the Mount, and Jesus’ message is pretty simple: knowing and experiencing the love of God drives out fear.  In this way, fear is like a dashboard warning light, driving us to God to deal with the underlying concerns and worries we have about being left out, not having enough, or not being enough.  And by bringing our fears to God, and being honest about them before Him, we find that God is inviting us to trust in His provision and presence.  And like a candle drives out darkness, God’s presence can drive out fear and we can experience…peace.   


Jay Kim (Saratoga), David Tieche (South Hills)

Bible Passage(s): 

Matthew 6:25-30 NIV, 1 John 4:13-19 NIV 


THE AFTERWORD: A Panel Discussion on the Communal Rule of Life | September 8, 2024