THE APOSTLES’ CREED: Timeless Truth for a Chaotic World | The Church, The Communion of Saints | August 11, 2024


Sermon Description:

In a world where a lot of people have doubts and suspicions (some quite fair and founded) about the Church, the Apostle’s Creed offers up a fascinating invitation “I believe in the holy Church and the Communion of Saints.” The invitation to deep, sacrificial, Jesus-centered friendship might not always be natural, or easy, but it’s central to our spiritual lives. And it brings life in ways we can’t even imagine.


Andy Gridley (Saratoga), David Tieche (South Hills)


THE AFTERWORD: The Apostle’s Creed - Week 6 - The Communion of Saints


THE APOSTLES’ CREED: Timeless Truth for a Chaotic World | The Holy Spirit | August 04, 2024