THE APOSTLES’ CREED: Timeless Truth for a Chaotic World | Descended into Hell | July 28, 2024


Sermon Description:

Two of the most puzzling lines in the otherwise fairly straightforward text of the Apostle’s Creed is that Jesus died and then “descended into Hell” and that He will “judge the living and the dead.”  These phrases are not only confusing, but also require some unpacking.  What does it mean that Jesus went to hell?  And what does it mean that he’ll judge everyone?  Is that something to be frightened of?  Does Jesus grade on a curve?  Thankfully, the Biblical teaching on judgment is more robust than our caricatures, and is actually something that can infuse incredible hope in our lives. 


David Kim (Saratoga), Archie Jackson(South Hills)


THE AFTERWORD: The Apostle’s Creed - Week 4 - Hell + Judgment


THE AFTERWORD: The Apostle’s Creed - Week 3 - Jesus, Our Lord