THE AFTERWORD | Matthew : Season 5 - Week 3

Often, our image and concept of God (if we have any) is that He is distant and far away.  Aloof, at best.  And humans who are interested have to undergo nearly Herculean feats to find Him.  The equivalent of hiking up a tall mountain to gain wisdom from a spiritual guru.  But the Biblical narrative presents a radically different picture of God, especially when you consider the person of Jesus.  Here, we don’t see God waiting for humans to get their act together and get to Him, but rather, God running out toward humanity.  Jesus shows us God as a *pursuing* God.  Mark Averill and Jay Kim stop by to chat about the power of this moment in Matthew 8 where Jesus sees and heals Peter’s mother-in-law - and then we examine the implications of this woman’s pretty remarkable response to being healed.   

Speakers: David Tieche + Jay Kim


Matthew : Season 5 - Week 3


THE AFTERWORD | Matthew : Season 5 - Week 2