Matthew Season 4 - Week 2


Matthew : Season 4 - Week 2

Even people who are not religious at all know at least one teaching of Jesus, taken from Matthew 7 - the one where Jesus tells His followers to “do not judge.”  Sometimes, this is used as a convenient shield to protect people against criticism or accountability, but it’s also true that being judged feels…awful.  It’s like being rejected.  Only worse.  We’ll examine what Jesus means, and what He doesn’t mean by this saying.  And we’ll examine Jesus’ dramatic and arresting metaphor about a person having a giant beam of wood in their eye and pointing out a speck of sawdust in someone else’s.  Jesus is saying that heaping contempt and condemnation on people actually is spiritually dangerous because it makes us blind: both to our own evil and to the actual heart of God Himself, which is to offer grace to people - as grace which other people are just as entitled to as we are.  

Jay Kim (Saratoga), David Tieche (South Hills)


THE AFTERWORD | Matthew Season 4 - Week 2


THE AFTERWORD | Matthew Season 4 - Week 1