I'm Terrible With Names - Week 3


In the book of Matthew, Matthew records story after story of people who come to Jesus in a desperate state of crisis. A few of those times, those people call Jesus “the son of David” - a title that goes back to the Old Testament, where God promised King David that one day, one of his offspring would be a king whose kingdom would never end. The Messiah. What’s fascinating is that Matthew deliberately tells the story so that the people who *should* be able to see Jesus as the Messiah miss Him, and the people who shouldn’t do. And ironically, it’s some blind people who see Jesus the best. MAtthew is challenging us. Do we see Jesus clearly? Do we see what He’s up to? Because if we did, that could change everything.




THE AFTERWORD | I'm Terrible With Names - Week 3


THE AFTERWORD | I'm Terrible With Names - Week 2