Here to Stay: With God for the Good of All


Sermon Description:

Every church has to answer the question “Why are we here?” For years, the short answer on that was that WestGate Church exists to be and to make disciples, learning and living the way of Jesus. Summarized in a word, the way of Jesus is LOVE—we exist to love God, one another, and our neighbors. But for the past few years, our leadership team and elders have been praying and asking God the question, “What does it mean to live this vision out faithfully, right here and right now?” And as we enter 2024, the particulars are becoming more clear. This message is the launch of the Here to Stay Campaign. Jay Kim and Steve Clifford explain the heart behind this campaign, and why it is WestGate’s prayerful commitment to be a church that’s truly here to stay…with God and for the good of all.”


Jay Kim + Steve Clifford(Saratoga), Jay Kim (video South Hills)


THE AFTERWORD | Here to Stay: Week 2


THE AFTERWORD | Here to Stay: Week 1