Easter 2024 - 03.31.2024


Sermon Description:

The Ancient Greeks and Romans told stories of ambrosia, the mythical food of the gods that granted immortality to all who ate it.  And we modern folk are obsessed with bio-hacking our bodies and diets, for the sake of longevity.  But while the ancients wanted to defy death, and we Bay Area folks want to delay it, the story of Jesus is how one person defeated death.  And the implications of this show that the Resurrection isn’t just a historical event, but a present reality that can provide us hope and courage to face whatever comes our way.  


Jay Kim (Saratoga), David Tieche (South Hills)

Bible Passage(s): 

Matthew 28:1-10


Wonderfully Made - Week 1 - Souls with a Body or Embodied Souls: A Theology of the Body


Matthew (Season 9) - It Is Finished - Week 5 - 03.24.2024