Compassion Immersion 2023 - Week 3
Eat This Book
Sermon Description:
Once a year, on the final week of Compassion Immersion, we take some time as a church to highlight the work of a Christian missionary whose impact can be felt down through the pages of history. This year, we look at the very first Protestant missionary sent from North America: Adoniram Judson - specifically the role his spouses played. Judson was married three times, losing his wives to disease one after another as they served the people of Burma. From the linguistic brilliance and toughness of Ann, to Sarah’s extraordinary ability to run highly effective schools, to Emily’s writing ability, each contributed to the growth and success of the Burmese church. And their lives, filled with hardship and loss, also shine as an example of what it means of holistic, sacrificial love for others. In the words of Jim Elliot, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”
Steve Clifford (Saratoga), David Tieche (South Hills)