THE AFTERWORD | A New Resilience - Week 3
This past weekend, we made the case that we need silence in our lives to overcome the loud, noisy distracting world in order to hear God. But that raises a point: if the world is noisy, and God wants our attention, why doesn’t He just shout? Break into our lives like the Kool-Aid man crashing through your house. That would do it, wouldn’t it? Why is silence necessary for us to connect with God? Why does the Psalmist talk to his “soul” as if it’s a different part of him? When we’re silent, is it to find out more about ourselves, or God? Or both? What if you’re easily distracted (even in silence) and your brain starts humming 90s music? Does that count? Is that praying? And what role does the Bible play in silence and connecting with God?
Speakers: David Tieche + Jay Kim