Anchored - Week 4


The word “faith” is one of the most mushy and mealy in the English language.  Sometimes, people use it when they are trying to muster up the courage to believe something they know is unlikely (I have faith the Raiders will win the Super Bowl this year!).  In Christian circles, often the word is used to convey the idea that “I believe a certain set of truths.” But in the Scriptures, the word faith is FAR MORE than simply mental assent to some ideas.  It carries with it an implication of loyalty and devotion.  In fact, the word “faith” is actually often better translated as “allegiance.”  And reading it in this light, many of Jesus’ strongest teachings, which make us squirm, actually begin to make a lot more sense.  And require a lot more of us. 





Anchored - Week 5


Anchored - Week 3