In our Elementary classrooms, our desire is to connect kids with each other and to the heart of God. Through creative storytelling, engaging worship and fun "hands on" activities, they learn to make wise choices, to treat others the way they want to be treated, and to trust God no matter what.
Large/Small Group Time
Our Large Group time promises active worship and an innovative approach to the weekly Bible story which follows along with a monthly theme (such as Hope, Wisdom or Generosity). Each theme (also called Life App) is designed to grow your child's awareness of who God is and what a life lived for Him truly looks like. Small groups are where your kids grow friendships while engaging in fun activities which bring the monthly theme to life. This is where they connect the dots between the lesson and their own lives.
Your kids will have a blast at KIDZCAMP, our week of crazy fun in the middle of summer.
Watch for registration to open in January/February each year.
Parent Resources
Each week, we'll email you detailed information about this week's lesson and a family guide which will help you continue these “God conversations” at home. You will be able to join us in memorizing the monthly memory verse together as a family. And through this email, you will stay up to date on all the fun opportunities for you and your kids here at WestGate KidzTown.
Parent Cue App
Parenting isn't always easy so we have another tool to help you on this journey. There is a free app which aligns with our weekly lessons in KidzTown and offers fun ways to review them through activities, Bible story videos and songs. There are also valuable parenting articles and podcasts.