to join us at westgate church this christmas eve

You’re Invited



KidzTown Availability
Nursery - Preschool: 2:00pm, 3:30pm, 5:00pm
Preschool-5th Kidzcare: 7:00pm (grief shared service)

south hills:

KidzTown Availability
Nursery - Preschool: 3:30pm, 5:00pm

casa de fe:

KidzTown Availability
Nursery - Preschool: 11:00am, 1:00pm

Looking for an easy way to invite your friend, co-worker or neighbor to join you on Christmas Eve? Save one of the Digital Invites above and share it on social media and text it to your friends.

Serve with us this christmas eve!

Help us welcome hundreds of new guests on Christmas Eve through our hospitality! From helping people find parking, serving coffee and cookies, singing fun Christmas songs at Kidztown and more, there is a place for you to serve with us.

Advent devotional

Advent is a time when we, amidst the challenges and mundanities of our lives, pause to reflect on, anticipate and celebrate the incarnation of Jesus. Follow along with a new devotional each day this Advent season.