
The Practice of Scripture Reading

There’s a bold claim within the Christian faith that the Bible is no mere work of human literature, but is actually co-authored by God Himself. And because of that, the Scriptures have real power to reveal important information that God wants us to have about Himself, what He’s like, what He loves and even what He’s up to. For thousands of years, Christians have read this book to not only learn about Jesus but to be with Him and to become like Him.

Our goal is to have more people engaging with the Bible in punctuated spaces, so check out the resources below. And we pray you’ll encounter the Author *of* this book *through* this book.

read the bible in a year

Join us as we read the Bible each day. This resource will help you read through every chapter and verse, and the text is accompanied with reflections and guided prayers along the way.

Bible Lectures

Join us throughout the year for interactive lectures that will help you understand the different parts of this complex library of books. We’ll not only provide you with tips and tools to read for yourself, but we’ll dive headfirst into the most confusing and difficult-to-understand sections together.

How not to read the bible

We love the nice parts of the Bible, the verses we put on coffee mugs and hang on inspirational posters in our offices. The problem is, there are plenty of verses that aren’t so nice. This can lead to confusion, doubt, and loss of faith for many. So what do we do with that? In this sermon series How (Not) To Read the Bible, we dive into what the Bible is, and what it is not, and how some pretty simple basic rules of reading can save you a world of confusion.

western seminary

WestGate Church has a partnership with Western Seminary, and Western offers discounted tuition for those who are a part of the WestGate Church family. Click below to learn about the formal programs Western has to provide theological and ministry training.

Women’s Bible Study Course

This course is for all women, regardless of where you are in your spiritual inquiry, journey, or growth. Join us as we study the Bible together!

Summer bible courses

Join us this Summer for interactive summer courses, where we dive into confusing parts of the Bible. This will help not only with Biblical literacy but also help you connect with God, who is the author of these scriptures.

Stay tuned for more information!

Eat This Book
By Eugene H. Peterson

more books and resources

We have carefully curated a collection of helpful resources (books, podcasts, partnerships, online curriculum, and media) that we hope will guide your journey of discipleship to Jesus.