Matthew : Season 8 - Week 2


Sermon Description:

In Matthew 18, the disciples, who are still trying to wrap their minds around the idea of a Messiah who would willing go to a cross and die, ask Jesus about greatness. Jesus responds to the question, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” and redefines greatness by highlighting…children…the most socially insignificant and relationally reliant people present. But in doing so, Jesus is not only changing definitions of what it means to be great, but showing the disciples how to live in this world. And Jesus’ upside-down lesson which made virtues of lowliness and humility, shocked listeners in the ancient world as much as it shocks us still today.


Jay Kim (Saratoga), Steve Clifford (South Hills)

Bible Passages):

Matthew 18


THE AFTERWORD | Matthew : Season 8 - Week 2


THE AFTERWORD | Matthew : Season 8 - Week 1