THE AFTERWORD | Matthew : Season 8 - Week 2

Title: Matthew (Season 8) - Week 2


What does it mean to be great? In the Bay Area, the definition of greatness usually revolves around technological brilliance or perhaps business acumen. The company you started had an IPO and you made millions. Or maybe it’s around fame. In Matthew 18, the disciples ask Jesus a question about what makes a person great. Steve Clifford stops by to discuss how Jesus redefines “greatness” in a way that’s both shocking, disorienting, and deeply hopeful. We also examine what we can learn from Mark’s retelling of this exact same story in Mark 9. And we listen to a man nearly universally regarded as great - Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr - reflect on what it means to be great as he talks about this passage in one of his final sermons.

Speakers: David Tieche + Steve Clifford



Matthew : Season 8 - Week 3


Matthew : Season 8 - Week 2