The Greatest - Week 4


Sermon Description:

In one of the most famous passages of the Bible, Jesus tells people that the most important thing in life is to love God with “all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind.” But Jesus, famously, doesn’t stop there. He adds to it, commanding His followers to “love your neighbor as yourself.” A tall order. In today’s world, it seems we tolerate our neighbors, or neglect them, or judge them, or even are suspicious of them. But if love means “seeking the good of the other” and “seeking connection” then we ask ourselves: what would it mean to “seek connection” with my neighbor and truly seek their good?Bible Passages):

1 Cor 13


Jay Kim (Saratoga), David Tieche (South Hills)


THE AFTERWORD | The Greatest - Week 4


THE AFTERWORD | The Greatest - Week 3