The Greatest - Week 2


Sermon Description:

One of the most famous passages in the entire Bible is 1 Corinthians 13, the famed “love is…” passage that’s often read at weddings. It’s a beautiful articulation of what love is. But Paul isn’t just being poetic. In ancient Corinth (as was the case in a lot of ancient places) religious systems were established to incite or earn the blessings of the gods. Do this, and maybe the gods will pay attention and help. This is contractual and conditional (If I do this for the gods, then the gods will do this for me.) But in Christianity, LOVE differentiates the way of Jesus from all other faith traditions, then and today. Christian faith is built on… covenantal love, based on relationships, and binding commitments based on promises made and kept. No other religion features a god willing to…die….for people. And if we see this - truly see it - it can change us, and change the way we live. Because once we see the love of God and experience it, it can overflow out of us.


Jay Kim (Saratoga), David Tieche (South Hills)

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THE AFTERWORD | The Greatest - Week 2


THE AFTERWORD | The Greatest - Week 1