Matthew : Season 8 - Week5


Sermon Description:

In Matthew 20, the mother of two of the disciples (James and John) comes to Jesus and makes a particular request: can her boys have the seats of honor next to Jesus in His Kingdom. The other disciples are indignant, probably because they wished they’d thought to ask first. But amidst this immature, self-centered bickering, Jesus pulls them all aside and gives them a new definition of greatness. It’s not about power, or prestige. To be great in Jesus’ kingdom, you have to serve. This is good news in a way, because it means anyone can be great because anyone can serve. But Jesus doesn’t just teach a new model and definition of greatness - as we see later in the story, He lives it out.


Jay Kim (Saratoga), David Tieche (South Hills)

Bible Passages:

Matthew 20:17-28


THE AFTERWORD | Matthew : Season 8 - Week 5


THE AFTERWORD | Matthew : Season 8 - Week 4