Matthew : Season 8 - Week 1


Sermon Description:

As the buzz around Jesus grows, Jesus affirms that He’s the Messiah, but then shocks His followers to their core by revealing that He will be killed, and will die on a Roman Cross, His followers are baffled, wondering, “If you’re going to die, does this mean you’re *not* the Messiah?” The next episode in Matthew 17 removes all shreds of doubt about Jesus’ identity as Peter, James and John see Jesus transformed into a figure, glowing white hot like lightning before their very eyes, with God the Father speaking audibly to tell them “this is my son, with whom I am well-pleased.” This dramatic moment changes the disciples, and it’s meant to change, us too. And if we examine it, we can see some deep truths about not only who Jesus really is, but also where history - and even our lives - are going.


Jay Kim (Saratoga), Corinna Girard (South Hills)

Bible Passages):

Matthew 17


THE AFTERWORD | Matthew : Season 8 - Week 1


THE AFTERWORD | The Greatest - Week 4